Blue and purple plaques

Type:Walking Route

Across the borough
A plaque commemorating Tractor Sound Studios in Heywood.

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Blue plaques celebrate famous people, places and historic events in the borough of Rochdale.

Purple plaques in Rochdale borough celebrate Dame Gracie Fields and mark places of significance in her life.

The plaques surprise, inform, and help tell a story that can be as revealing to life-long residents as to those visiting for the first time.

Few can resist glancing at them to see what they say. Was someone famous born here? Is there something unusual about this ordinary-looking building? Or did it play an important part in the history of the place?

For more information, visit our page on the Rochdale Borough Council website for a full list of blue and purple plaques in the borough. You'll also find details of walks you can do which cover the blue and purple plaques we have in Rochdale. 


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